What's the difference between them?
What's the difference between them?
Yeah, this is very simple to understand. First let me get through the difference between run() vs execute() - unlike execute() , run() require the circuit to be transpiled first. The compile() refers to conversion of high level language to low level language where as transpile() is all about conversion of a high level language to another high level language. Assemble() assembles the circuit into a Qobj that can be run. Most generally, assemble() is used when working with Aer, where as transpile() used when working with IBMQ Provider.
qobj = assemble(qc) # Assemble circuit into a Qobj that can be run
counts = sim.run(qobj).result().get_counts() # Do the simulation, returning the state vector
plot_histogram(counts) # Display the output on measurement of state vector